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Previous Manuals | TM 6.0 Chapters | TM 5.0 Chapters | TM 4.1 Chapters | TM 4.0 Chapters | Archived Manuals

Previous Manuals
ThinManager v13.2 User Manual
The complete ThinManager 13.2 User Manual (added 01/24/2024)
TM 13.2 Manual in *.PDF format
ThinManager v13 User Manual
The complete ThinManager 13 User Manual (added 09/21/2022)
TM 13 Manual in *.PDF format
ThinManager v12.1 User Manual
The complete ThinManager 12.1 User Manual (added 06/21/2021)
TM 12.1 Manual in *.PDF format
ThinManager v12 User Manual
The complete ThinManager 12 User Manual (added 01/05/2021)
TM 12 Manual in *.PDF format
ThinManager v11.2 User Manual
The complete ThinManager 11.2 User Manual (added 7/22/2020)
TM 11.2 Manual in *.PDF format
ThinManager v11.1 User Manual
The complete ThinManager 11.1 User Manual (added 7/12/2019)
TM 11.1 Manual in *.PDF format
ThinManager v11.0 User Manual
The complete ThinManager 11.0 User Manual (added 12/21/2018)
TM 11.0 Manual in *.PDF format
ThinManager v10.0 User Manual
The complete ThinManager 10.0 User Manual (added 12/18/2017)
TM 10.0 Manual in *.PDF format
ThinManager v9.0 User Manual
The complete ThinManager 9.0 User Manual (added 8/2/2016)
TM 9.0 Manual in *.PDF format
ACP ThinManager v8.0 User Manual
The complete ThinManager 8.0 User Manual (added 6/2/2015)
TM 8.0 Manual in *.PDF format
ACP ThinManager v7.0 User Manual
The complete ThinManager 7.0 User Manual (added 5/7/2014)
TM 7.0 Manual in *.PDF format
ACP ThinManager Relevance Manual
The complete guide to Relevance with ThinManager 7.0 (added 5/7/2014)
Relevance Manual in *.PDF format
ACP ThinManager v6.0 SP3 Manual
The complete ThinManager 6.0 SP3 Manual
ThinManager Manual 6.0 - SP3 (added 3/8/2013)
TM 6.0 SP3 Manual in *.PDF format
TM 6.0 SP3 Manual PDF in *.ZIP format
ACP ThinManager v6.0 Manual
The complete ThinManager 6.0 Manual
ThinManager Manual 6.0 - Rev 1 (added 5/3/2012)
TM 6.0 Manual in *.PDF format
TM 6.0 Manual PDF in *.ZIP format
ACP ThinManager v5.0 Manual
The complete ThinManager 5.0 Manual
ThinManager Manual 5.0 - Rev 1 (added 7/6/2011)
TM 5.0 Manual in *.PDF format
TM 5.0 Manual PDF in *.ZIP format
ACP ThinManager v4.1 Manual
The complete ThinManager 4.1 manual
ThinManager Manual 4.1 - Rev 2 (added 5/6/2011)
TM 4.1 Manual in *.PDF format TM 4.1 Manual PDF in *.ZIP format
ACP ThinManager v4.0 Manual
The complete ThinManager 4.0 manual Rev. 1
TM 4.0 Manual in *.PDF format
TM 4.0 Manual PDF in *.ZIP format

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Individual Chapters of the ThinManager 6.0 SP3 Manual
Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 16 - Modules
Chapter 2 - System Overview Chapter 17 - Citrix ICA
Chapter 3 - Installation of ThinManager Chapter 18 - Hotkeys
Chapter 4 - Licensing ThinManager Chapter 19 - Multiple Monitors
Chapter 5 - Redundant ThinManager Servers Chapter 20- Virtualization in ThinManager
Chapter 6 - ThinManager Interface Chapter 21- Scheduling
Chapter 7 - Menu Items Chapter 22 - Reports
Chapter 8 - Adding Thin Client Hardware Chapter 23 - WinTMC Client
Chapter 9 - Configuration Wizards Chapter 24 - Shadowing
Chapter 10 - Terminal Configuration Chapter 25 - ThinManager Security
Chapter 11 - PXE Server Configuration Chapter 26 - TermSecure
Chapter 12 - Display Servers Chapter 27 - Permissions
Chapter 13 - Display Clients Chapter 28 - TermMon ActiveX Control
Chapter 14 - Failover and Instant Failover Chapter 29 - Non-ThinManager Components (Microsoft)
Chapter 15 - Firmware Packages Chapter 30 - Troubleshooting

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The ThinManual 11.0

ThinManual 11 Rev.1 (1/15/2019)

The ThinManual 10.0

ThinManual 10.0 Rev.1 (12/18/2017)

The ThinManual 9.0

ThinManual 9.0 Rev.1 (8/3/2016)

The ThinManual 8.0

ThinManual 8.0 Rev.1 (6/2/2015)

The ThinManual 7.0

ThinManual 7.0 SP4 Rev. 1 (6/5/2013)

The ThinManual 6.0

ThinManual 6.0 (8/29/2013)
The ThinManual 5.0 Previous version is ThinManual 5.0 Rev. 5 (3/29/2012)
ThinManual 5.0 Rev.5.pdf

Individual Chapters of the ThinManager 6.0 Manual
Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 15 - Modules
Chapter 2 - System Overview Chapter 16 - Citrix ICA
Chapter 3 - Installation of ThinManager Chapter 17 - Hotkeys
Chapter 4 - Licensing ThinManager Chapter 18 - Multiple Monitors
Chapter 5 - Redundant ThinManager Servers Chapter 19 - Virtualization in ThinManager
Chapter 6 - ThinManager Interface Chapter 20 - Scheduling
Chapter 7 - Menu Items Chapter 21 - Reports
Chapter 8 - Adding Thin Client Hardware Chapter 22 - WinTMC Client
Chapter 9 - Configuration Wizards Chapter 23 - Shadowing
Chapter 10 - Terminal Configuration Chapter 24 - ThinManager Security
Chapter 11 - PXE Server Configuration Chapter 25 - TermSecure
Chapter 12 - Display Servers Chapter 26 - Permissions
Chapter 13 - Display Clients Chapter 27 - TermMon ActiveX Control
Chapter 14 - Failover and Instant Failover Chapter 28 - Non-ThinManager Components (Microsoft)

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Individual Chapters of the ThinManager 5.0 Manual
Contents Chapter 16 - Citrix ICA
Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 17 - Hotkeys
Chapter 2 - System Overview Chapter 18 - Multiple Monitors
Chapter 3 - Installation of ThinManager Chapter 19 - Virtualization in ThinManager
Chapter 4 - Licensing ThinManager Chapter 20 - Scheduling
Chapter 5 - Redundant ThinManager Servers Chapter 21 - Reports
Chapter 6 - ThinManager Interface Chapter 22 - WinTMC Client
Chapter 7 - Menu Items Chapter 23 - Shadowing
Chapter 8 - Adding Thin Client Hardware Chapter 24 - ThinManager Security
Chapter 9 - Configuration Wizards Chapter 25 - TermSecure
Chapter 10 - Terminal Configuration Chapter 26 - Permissions
Chapter 11 - PXE Server Configuration Chapter 27 - TermMon ActiveX Control
Chapter 12 - Display Servers Chapter 28 - Non-ThinManager Components (Microsoft)
Chapter 13 - Display Clients Chapter 29 - ThinManager Troubleshooting
Chapter 14 - Failover and Instant Failover Chapter 30 - Glossary of Terms
Chapter 15 - Modules  

(Right-click on link and select "Save Target As..." if needed)

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Individual Chapters of the ThinManager 4.1 Manual
Part 1 - Contents Part 18 - Failover & Instant Failover
Part 3- What's New? Part 19 - Modules
Part 4 - Quick Start Part 20 - Citrix ICA
Part 5 - Installation Part 21 - Hotkeys
Part 6- Licensing Part 22 - MultiMonitor
Part 7 - Redundancy Part 23 - Virtualization
Part 8 - ThinManager Interface Part 24 - Scheduling
Part 9 - Menu Items Part 25 - Reports
Part 10 - Adding Hardware Part 26 - WinTMC
Part 11 - Configuration Wizards Part 27 - Shadowing
Part 12 - Terminal Configuration Part 28 - ThinManager Security
Part 13 - Display Servers Part 29 - TermSecure
Part 14 - Camera Configuration Wizards Part 30 - ActiveX
Part 15 - Display clients Part 31 - Windows Server 2003
Part 16 - Camera Display Clients Part 32 - Windows Server 2008
Part 17 - Terminal Shadow Display Clients Part 33 - Microsoft Licenses
(Right-click on link and select "Save Target As..." if needed)


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The following sections have condensed versions of topics that are being added daily.

Question PDF
What is ThinManager? ThinManagerOverview.pdf
What is new in ThinManager? WhatsNew.pdf
How has ThinManager changed from version to version? EvolutionOfThinManager.pdf
What should I do before deploying ThinManager? PrePlanning.pdf
What is the terminology used? Definitions.pdf
How do I run a trial of ThinManager? Trialware.pdf

Question PDF
What should I do before deploying ThinManager? PrePlanning.pdf
How do I set up ThinManager? SetupOverview.pdf

Question PDF
How do I set up ThinManager? SetupOverview.pdf
How do I upgrade ThinManager? UpgradeThinManager.pdf
How do I install ThinManager? InstallThinManager.pdf
How do I install the WinTMC fat client? InstallWinTMC.pdf
How do I install new firmware? InstallFirmware.pdf
I can't find my hardware in the list. InstallTermCap.pdf

Question PDF
What licenses are required? LicenseOverview.pdf
What is a Master License? MasterLicenses.pdf
Brief description of licensing? MasterLicensesShort.pdf
What is a Demo Code? DemoCode.pdf
How do I run a trial of ThinManager? Trialware.pdf
How can I tell if my TM3 licenses are ready to upgrade? CheckForUpgrade.pdf
How can I activate licenses without the Internet? ActivateWithoutInternet.pdf
What are redundant licenses? RedundantLicenses.pdf
How do I automatically synchronize two Thinmanagers? AutoSync.pdf
How do I manually synchronize two Thinmanagers? ManualSync.pdf

Question PDF
How do you configure ThinManager? WizardOverview.pdf
How do you configure terminals? TerminalConfiguration.pdf
How do you configure groups of terminals? TerminalGroups.pdf
How do you configure terminal servers? TerminalServerConfiguration.pdf
How do you configure the ThinManager Server? ThinManagerServerConfiguration.pdf
How do you configure DNS in ThinManager? DNS_Configuration.pdf
What are Packages? Packages.pdf
How do I use PXE boot thin clients? ThinManager_PXEBoot.pdf
How do I the ThinManager Mobile application for iOS? ThinManagerMobileSummary.pdf
How do I use the iTMC iPad Client? iTMC_Client.pdf

Display Servers
Question PDF
What is a Terminal Server Display Server and how do I set them up? TerminalServer_DS_Configuration.pdf
How do I set up Camera Display Servers? Camera_DisplayServer.pdf

Display Clients
Question PDF
What is a Display client? DisplayClientOverview.pdf
What happened to Application Groups and Terminal Server Groups? TerminalServicesDisplayClients.pdf
How do I deploy applications? AppLinkDisplayClient.pdf
How do I do load balancing among servers? SmartSession.pdf
How do I display the camera feed on a thin client? Camera_DisplayClient.pdf
How do I add camera feed to an existing application? CameraOverlays.pdf
What is Tiling? SessionTiling.pdf
How can I override settigns for applications? OverrideApp.pdf

Question PDF
How can terminals boot from two ThinManager Servers? RedundantThinManagerServers.pdf
How do touch screens work on dual monitors? DualTouchScreen.pdf
How do I calibrate touch screens TouchCalibration.pdf
What touch screen module should I use? TouchScreenDrivers.pdf
What widescreen (16:9) modes are available? WidescreenModes.pdf
How do you get sound to work? Sound.pdf
Static or DHCP IP Addressing? StaticOrDHCP.pdf
How do I add new hardware to an older version of ThinManager? NewHardware.pdf
How do I use IP Cameras? IPCameras_All.pdf or Camera_DisplayServer.pdf and Camera_DisplayClient.pdf
How do I use PXE boot thin clients? ThinManager_PXEBoot.pdf
How do PXE boot thin clients behave during replacement? PXE_Boot_Replacement.pdf
How do I the ThinManager Mobile application for iOS? ThinManagerMobileSummary.pdf
How do I use the iTMC iPad Client? iTMC_Client.pdf
How do I print with a network printer? Printing.pdf
How do I use USB with thin clients? USBandThinClients.pdf

Question PDF
What is the difference between a Video and Video2 module? VideoModules.pdf

Question PDF
How can I get a report about ThinManager components? Reports.pdf
Can I change the logo on reports? ReportLogoChange.pdf

Question PDF
How do I schedule a terminal? TerminalSchedules.pdf
How do I schedule a terminal server? TerminalServerSchedules.pdf
How do I schedule TermSecure? TermSecureSchedules.pdf
How do I schedule a ThinManager Server? ThinManagerServerSchedules.pdf
How do I automatically backup my configuration? ScheduleConfigurationBackups.pdf

Question PDF
How to shadow? Shadowing.pdf
How to shadow from a terminal? Terminal2TerminalShadow.pdf

Question PDF
Why can't I connect using WinTMC? WinTMC_ConnectionIssues.pdf
What keystrokes are useful with WinTMC? AlternateKeystrokes.pdf

Question PDF
How do I control access to ThinManager functions? ThinManagerSecurityGroups.pdf
How can I use Active Directory with TermSecure? ActiveDirectoryAndTermSecure.pdf

Question PDF
Can I use Windows 2008 Server? - Summary 2008ServerSummary.pdf
Can I use Windows 2008 Server? - Details 2008ServerTips.pdf
What commands are useful in terminal services? Commands.pdf
What keystrokes are useful with WinTMC? AlternateKeystrokes.pdf
What do I need to know about Microsoft Terminal Services? MS_TerminalServices.pdf
What is RDP like without Thinmanager? RDPConfiguration.pdf

Question PDF
How do I deploy iFix in an industrial environment? iFix_TSE_Deployment.pdf
How do I deploy InTouch applications? InTouchDeployment.pdf
How do I deploy Rockwell FactoryTalk View SE in an industrial environment? RockwellFactoryTalkViewSE.pdf

Question PDF
How do I print with a network printer? Printing.pdf
Can I use Citrix with ThinManager? CitrixICA.pdf
How do I send a message to a terminal? SendMessages.pdf
What does the TermMon ActiveX do? ActiveXFunction.pdf
What data does the TermMon ActiveX provide? ActiveXData.pdf
How do I use IP Camerasl? IPCameras.pdf
What are Packages? Packages.pdf
What about mapped drives ? MappedDrives.pdf
How can I automatically kill locked up applications ? Watchdog.pdf

Question PDF
How can I troubleshoot an issue? Troubleshooting.pdf
I have trouble connecting ThinManager on a workstation to a ThinManager Server for remote control. RemoteConnectionTrouble.pdf
I get DCOM errors in my event log. DCOM_Issues.pdf
What version do I have? VersionNumbers.pdf
I'm having connection problems. ConnectionTroubleshooting.pdf
What ports do I need open? NetworkPorts.pdf
I have trouble connecting XP ThinManagers. XP_DCOM_Issues.pdf
My screen saver requires a login to clear. ScreenSaver.pdf

Archive Contains previous manuals & TechNotes from ThinManager 3 & ThinManager 4


Manuals | IntroSetup  |  Installation  |  Licenses  |  Configuration  |  Application Groups | Hardware  |  Shadowing 
Security  | 
WinTMC  |  Microsoft  |  Industrial | General  |  Troubleshooting

Archived Manuals
ThinManual 40 Rev. 3



ThinManual 3.3 Rev.1 ThinManager33_Manual_Rev1.zip
ThinManager 4.0 Help Manual

TM 4.0 Manual in *.PDF format

TM 4.0 Manual PDF in *.ZIP format

ACP ThinManager v3.3 Manual Revision 1 *.PDF Manual in *.ZIP format
ACP thiNmanager v3.2 Manual Revision 2 *.PDF Manual in *.ZIP format
ACP thiNmanager v3.1 Manual *.PDF Manual in *.ZIP format
ACP thiNmanager v3.0 Manual *.PDF Manual in *.ZIP format
ACP ThinManager v2.6 Manual *.PDF Manual in *.ZIP format
ACP ThinManager v2.5 Manual *.PDF Manual in *.ZIP format
ACP ThinManager v2.4 Manual *.PDF Manual in *.ZIP format

 INTRO [Back To Top]

Question PDF
What should I do before deploying ThinManager? PrePlanning.pdf
What is ThinManager? ThinManagerOverview.pdf

SETUP [Back To Top]

Question PDF
What should I do before deploying ThinManager? PrePlanning.pdf


Question PDF
How do I set up ThinManager? SetupOverview.pdf
How do I upgrade ThinManager? Upgrading.pdf
Can I get Demo software? Trialware.pdf
How do I install ThinManager? InstallThinManager.pdf
How do I install the WinTMC fat client? InstallWinTMC.pdf
How do I install new firmware? InstallFirmware.pdf
I can't find my hardware in the list. InstallTermCap.pdf

LICENSES [Back To Top]

Question PDF
How can I activate licenses without the Internet? ActivateWithoutInternet.pdf


Question PDF
How do you configure ThinManager? WizardOverview.pdf
How do you configure terminals? TerminalConfiguration.pdf
How do you configure groups of terminals? GroupConfiguration.pdf
How do you configure terminal servers? TerminalServerConfiguration.pdf
How do you configure DNS in ThinManager? DNSConfiguration.pdf


Question PDF
How do I switch between Multiple sessions? MultiSessionSelection.pdf
What is Tiling? Tiling.pdf
How do I switch between Multiple sessions with a touch screen? TouchScreenTiling.pdf

HARDWARE [Back To Top]

Question PDF
How do touch screens work on dual monitors? DualTouchScreen.pdf
How do I calibrate touch screens TouchCalibration.pdf
What widescreen (16:9) modes are available? WidescreenModes.pdf
How do you get sound to work? Sound.pdf
Static or DHCP IP Addressing? StaticOrDHCP.pdf
How do I add new hardware to an older version of ThinManager? NewHardware.pdf


Question PDF
How to shadow? Shadowing.pdf
How to shadow from a terminal? Terminal2TerminalShadow.pdf

WINTMC [Back To Top]

Question PDF
Why can't I connect using WinTMC? WinTMC_ConnectionIssues.pdf
What keystrokes are useful with WinTMC? AlternateKeystrokes.pdf


Question PDF
What commands are useful in terminal services? Commands.pdf
What keystrokes are useful with WinTMC? AlternateKeystrokes.pdf
What do I need to know about Microsoft Terminal Services? MS_TerminalServices.pdf


Question PDF
How do I deploy iFix in an industrial environment? iFix_TSE_Deployment.pdf
How do I deploy Wonderware? InTouchDeployment.pdf

GENERAL [Back To Top]

Question PDF
Can I use Citrix with ThinManager? CitrixICA.pdf
How do I send a message to a terminal? SendMessages.pdf
How do I use the TermMon ActiveX? TermMonActiveXrev2.pdf


Question PDF
I get DCOM errors in my event log. DCOM_Issues.pdf
What version do I have? VersionNumbers.pdf
I'm having connection problems. ConnectionTroubleshooting.pdf
What ports do I need open? NetworkPorts.pdf
I have trouble connecting XP ThinManagers. XP_DCOM_Issues.pdf
My screen saver requires a login to clear. ScreenSaver.pdf