As part of the extensive catalog of courses in Rockwell Automation’s Learning+ training series, we are pleased to announce VIS230-EL, ThinManager Configuration and Troubleshooting.
This is more than just an intro to what ThinManager is and can do for your production environment. This 7 hour course is designed to provide basic knowledge to control, deploy, and manage terminal hardware and software in an industrial environment.
A 7-hour self-paced virtual training designed to teach you how to set up, configure and manage ThinManager.
This technical course is truly engaging, encompassing in-depth lectures, interactive demonstrations, and digital quizzes.
We offer self-paced, on-demand ThinManager certification using downloadable labs that cover all of the aspects of the ThinManager platform.
System Integrators who complete this training will receive/renew their ThinManager Certification and the benefits of being a ThinManager Certified Integrator Partner for a period of two years.
Our video training takes you through a series of videos centered around the pillars of ThinManager - Configuration, Visualization, Productivity, Security and Mobility. Each self-paced, on demand, video is followed by a short quiz to test your knowledge.
Completion of the quizzes earns you badges to show your overall knowledge of ThinManager in each area.
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Still want more? We have more ways than ever, on any device, to consume ThinManager. Continue gaining knowledge, learning about integrator success stories, and even gathering some useful tips and tricks to make sure you know about all the amazing features available with ThinManager.
The Plant is a monthly podcast all about ThinManager and emerging technologies in factory automation.
Find out even more by watching ThinManager videos covering new features and tips for usage.
Keep up-to-date with all things ThinManager as well as news around the industry by subscribing to our blog.
We keep a step by step series of data sheets to help illustrate ThinManager and the main touch points that make it the world leader in thin client management and industrial mobility solutions.
ThinManager is used in many different business applications across different industries around the world. Read about some of the ways ThinManager has been deployed and used across the globe through integration partner and customer stories.