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NOTE: As of the end of December 2022, ThinManager announces the end of life of versions 10.0 and earlier.
How to Find a License

ThinManager 3.1 or newer
* Collapse/Expand
- Highlight the green ThinManager icon at the top of the tree.
- Open the Licensing window by selecting "Install>Licenses" from the ThinManager menu bar.
- Press the ALT+Print Screen buttons to capture the open window and paste the image into a drawing program like Paint or into Word.
- Highlight the Licenses tab to open and take a screen shot of the window with the ALT+Print Screen buttons.
Paste the image into a drawing program like Paint or into Word.
- Attach both images to an email and send it to your Distributor.

ThinManager 3.0
* Collapse/Expand
- Highlight the green ThinManager icon at the top of the tree.
- Open the Licensing window by selecting "Manage>Licenses" from the ThinManager menu bar.
- Press the ALT+Print Screen buttons to capture the open window and paste the image into a drawing program like Paint or into Word.
- Highlight the Licenses tab to open and take a screen shot of the window with the ALT+Print Screen buttons.
Paste the image into a drawing program like Paint or into Word.
- Attach both images to an email and send it to your Distributor.

ThinManager 2.4 to 2.6
* Collapse/Expand
- Highlight the green ThinManager icon at the top of the tree.
- Open the Licensing window by selecting "ThinManager Server>Licenses" from the ThinManager menu bar.
- Press the ALT+Print Screen buttons to capture the open window and paste the image into a drawing program like Paint or into Word.
- Attach the image to an email and send it to your Distributor.

ThinManager 2.3.1
* Collapse/Expand
- Highlight the green server icon at the top of the tree.
- Open the Licensing window by selecting "Tools>Licenses" from the ThinManager menu bar.
- Press the ALT+Print Screen buttons to capture the open window and paste the image into a drawing program like Paint or into Word.
- Attach the image to an email and send it to your Distributor.