Introducing and exploring the conversation of industrial automation technology.
This season of The Plant takes a walk through the history of automation from where and why it started to where we are now - from the introduction of the programmable logic controller to artificial intelligence and how our industry has grown and changed over time.
Designed to spark interesting thought, we aim to keep it lighthearted while still taking the time to think deep about topics that affect your life, even if you didn't know it.
Listen to the latest episode right here or click the link below to listen on Apple Podcasts and Subscribe to get notified when each episode releases.
Our mini-series on digital transformation continues. Our newest episode focuses on the ability to emulate and simulate, before spending the time and the money to build machinery and industrial environments.
Tyler Phillips is ready to talk about Emulate3D, digital twins and the future of digital design.
Listen, Subscribe, Enjoy
Have an idea for a show? Have a question that wasn't answered on a show? Reach out and we might even talk about your question on the next episode. Email us.